  • 2018-04-20

    How to decide the centrifugal casting supplier? Based on feeling?

How to choose a centrifugal casting supplier?

The responses from our customers are by "feelings.”

It seemed that more purchasers bought centrifugal castings that were based on the intuition instead of the rationality.


Few days ago, one of our customers came to LAWAI to discuss the new project.  During the talk, the customer mentioned several reasons regarding why his company would be willing to work with us for a long time.  One of that is he felt it was good when placing the order from us.  He said it was not easy to describe the feeling, but his intuition guided him to do the right decision.  For him, price was the first priority that he considered.  However, company image was also the important factor to decide the possibility to work together.  He emphasized that feeling was the key to maintain the business relationship with us.


There were several centrifugal casting manufacturers which could supply the high-quality products around the world.   But, lots of clients were LAWAI’s die-hard fans.

They purchased not only our high-quality centrifugally cast products but also the brand.  We have ever heard a regular client say placing the order from us was just like he bought his Mercedes Benz. It did not need to consider for a long time.

It was honored that we were the top supplier in his mind. 


Nowadays, building the business up was far different from before.  How we touch customer’s heart is what we are thinking again and again.

Although there were several aspects of capabilities that we'll need to expand, the atmosphere of working environment, reliability and empathy are what we need to improve and learn everyday.