  • 2016-09-05

    The centrifugal castings used in possible world?

Although lots of people regard the Atlantis as the past civilization and will emerge gradually from the water, there is the possibility that the identified sites were just the remains of other civilization.  The real Atlantis has not happened and its prosperous image has been locked in everyone’s mind.


We have confronted several difficulties nowadays.  The condition could be the toughest in our history.  We faced economic recession, climate change, unknown physically and mentally illness and …etc.  It seems that many people got lost in their lives, lose the power to live and did not know how to create their own realities.

There are too many passive news and messy stuffs distorting our mind everyday.  We forgot how happy we were when we were born from mothers’ uterus.  We forgot how proud we were as human beings.  And the worst thing was we forgot to compliment and believe ourselves.   Everyone was taught to follow the rules built by our cultures and afraid of being a different person.  This phenomenon was easily seen in Asian’s worlds.  When we care about how others think about ourselves seriously, we are not able to be ourselves and stimulate the potential to realize our desires.  Thus, we need to make the change.  We need to change our thoughts firstly.


If Atlantis is the future civilization, it will be born by each one’s energy and faith.  Therefore, we should think how we jump to this step together instead of competition.  When we look back to the wars, we will find out so many wars were risen in the urgent need of food due to the population explosion.  So, decreasing the birth rate could play the important role in maintaining the natural balance.


Imagining the future civilization, the population is decreasing and we return our lands to other species and we live in the sky.  We use the upcycled materials to build our houses and transportation.

Those materials could be centrifugal casting ones.  They are pretty corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant and heat-resistant.  And the most important thing is the lifetime is long and able to be upcycled.


In order to welcome the new age, LAWAI has already been toward this direction.

We keep on researching the environmental-friendly materials and cherish this planet with other creatures!